6.10 Faculty and Academic Administrators

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 05/13/2016

  1. Policy Statements

    Faculty and academic administrators have an important role in the governance of a university. In recognition of that role, distinct rules and procedures must be maintained which establish the unique rights and responsibilities of faculty. This policy and the rules and procedures authorized herein apply only to individuals holding faculty appointments or faculty rank. The HR Rules authorized in RPM 6.00 and reflected in the ARP also apply to those holding faculty appointments or faculty rank, unless otherwise stated.

  2. Authorization

    The Regents of New Mexico State University authorize the provost and chief academic officer, as the university system’s chief academic officer, in consultation with the faculty through the Faculty Senate, to formulate and amend the Administrative Rules and Procedures (Rules) addressing the rights and responsibilities of the individuals appointed to faculty or academic administrator positions. Such Rules shall be consistent with this policy, and shall be enacted in accordance with RPM 1.10 and ARP 1.10, and consistent with the shared governance provisions of RPM 1.00. Such Rules will include, but are not limited to the following:

    1. The establishment of various types and ranks of faculty appointments and the qualifications, roles and responsibilities of each.
    2. The regulation of faculty work assignments, including the rules governing outside consulting and conflicts of interest.
    3. The process or methodology by which decisions are made relating to faculty compensation and awards, subject to the Board’s authority to approve the budget.
    4. The process by which faculty may seek redress for grievances.
    5. A requirement that the work performance of all faculty shall be evaluated annually by the appropriate dean or other academic administrator.
    6. The process and criteria required for promotion amongst the faculty ranks.
    7. The process and criteria required for an award of tenure following the probationary period.
    8. The process by which tenured faculty who demonstrate less than satisfactory work performance will be reviewed, mentored and supervised more frequently than the annual performance evaluation process.
    9. The establishment of the qualifications, and roles and responsibilities of academic administration.
    10. The process and criteria for the search, appointment, periodic performance evaluation, and reassignment of academic administrators other than the president.
    11. The processes by which suspected or alleged faculty misconduct may be investigated; additionally, the process by which discipline will be imposed if misconduct is substantiated, including the right to appeal from the investigative findings and/or the level of discipline.
    12. The process for nonrenewal of a faculty contract and termination of a faculty appointment.
    13. Establishing the rights and responsibilities of faculty with respect to research, sponsored projects and intellectual property.
  3. Repeal of Related Policies

    By previous action of the Board of Regents on October 21, 2015, the contents of the former NMSU Policy Manual were replicated in the Administrative Procedures of NMSU (the ARP) and remain in full force and effect. Upon adoption of this policy, the faculty related policies in then Title 5 of the Regents Policy Manual, with the exception of Academic Freedom, then Policy 5.05, will be superseded by this policy and will be repealed from the Regents Policy Manual, but will remain in effect in the ARP until amended or repealed.



ARP Chapter 5 | Student Life and Conduct

Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 5.00
05/13/2016 Policy adopted by Board of Regents