1.10 NMSU System Policies and Rules

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: General Counsel
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 06/29/2018

Pursuant to the authority granted under the New Mexico Constitution and related statutes, the Board of Regents governs New Mexico State University and the New Mexico Department of Agriculture (collectively the “NMSU System”) through the adoption of policies, rules and procedures (“policies’). These policies provide direction relating to the mission and goals for the NMSU System, as well as the Board’s delegation or reservation of authority. The purpose of this policy is to establish a framework for the adoption of the NMSU System policies and to authorize the development of enforceable operational rules and procedures as may be necessary to achieve the goals and directives established by the Board of Regents.

  1. Regents Policy Manual (RPM)

    Policies approved by the Board of Regents, referred to as regents policies, shall be maintained in a document titled “Regents Policy Manual” (RPM), formerly titled, the “NMSU Policy Manual”, which may take the form of an online website.

  2. Scope of Application

    Regents policies apply to the entire NMSU system, unless otherwise provided in the policy.

  3. Revisions to RPM

    Revisions to the Regents Policy Manual, except as otherwise provided below, are effective upon approval by the Board of Regents in open meeting, or on such other date as reflected in the Board’s motion or approved policy. In those instances where there is a compelling need for an immediate policy change, the president may adopt and implement provisional policy, provided that the provisional policy is presented to the Board of Regents for ratification in open meeting as soon as practicable.

  4. Implementing Rules

    The president is authorized to adopt operational rules and procedures as may be appropriate and necessary to implement the policies adopted by the Board of Regents, and to ensure efficient and effective organizational/transactional control. Those rules and procedures which have been formally adopted and approved by the President shall be maintained in a document entitled “Administrative Rules and Procedures of NMSU” (ARP) which may take the form of an online website. The ARP shall apply throughout the NMSU system unless otherwise provided. The university shall include in the ARP a process that provides adequate opportunity for university stakeholders to provide comment regarding proposals to amend, repeal, or propose new policies or ARP provisions.

  5. Shared Governance

    Policy and rule proposals which involve the academic mission and matters of shared governance, as defined in RPM 1.00, shall be reviewed and approved by the Faculty Senate before submission to the president for final approval. Any such proposal not approved by Faculty Senate shall become effective only upon approval from the Board of Regents.

  6. Non-Contractual Policies/Rules

    Provisions contained in the Regents Policy Manual and Administrative Rules and Procedures shall not create any type of contract, implied or otherwise, between the regents and its employees or any other individual or entity. Regents policies and rules in the ARP may be amended or revoked at any time in accordance with this policy and ARP 1.10. The rules in the ARP have the same force and effect as the policies approved by the Regents provided that such rules are not in conflict with the regents policies.



RPM 1.00 - NMSU Structure of Governance
ARP 1.10 - Procedures to Revise NMSU Policies and Rules

Revision History:

06/29/2018 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
Recompiled 2017
10/21/2015 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
06/20/2013 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
07/20/2010 Amendment approved by Board of Regents