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4.00 Academic Matters

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 01/28/2019

  1. Policy Statements

    As the state’s land grant university, NMSU serves the educational needs of New Mexico’s diverse population through comprehensive programs of education, research, extension education and public service. In the academic arena, the university’s focus is on empowering NMSU students to achieve success in the classroom and realize their goals of becoming productive and contributing members of society. To accomplish this mission, NMSU is committed to the following objectives: (1) promoting timely degree completion through a supportive environment, (2) providing quality academic programs through continuous innovation and evaluation, and (3) guiding enrollment composition through effective recruitment, retention and proactive advising.

  2. Authorization

    The Regents of New Mexico State University authorize the provost, as the university system’s chief academic officer, with the faculty through the Faculty Senate, to formulate and amend the Administrative Rules and Procedures (Rules) addressing academic matters to support the policy stated above. Such Rules must be consistent with this policy, enacted in accordance with RPM 1.10 and ARP 1.10 , and consistent with the shared governance provisions of RPM 1.00 .

  3. Reservation of Authority

    Under the New Mexico Constitution, the Board of Regents is vested with the authority to provide for the control and management of NMSU. Further, the Board is statutorily authorized to prescribe the courses of study at NMSU, under the advice of the faculty, and to confer degrees and grant diplomas. In order that the Board may ensure that these obligations are properly met, each of the following actions or events requires approval of the Regents prior to implementation:

    1. Proposals to create, reorganize, relocate, or eliminate an academic organizational unit such as a college, school, academic department, or a library.
    2. Proposals to establish or eliminate any degree or major field of study.
    3. Proposed rules establishing student admission criteria.
    4. Award of degrees and diplomas.
  4. Baccalaureate Degree Credit Hour Requirements
    (Effective June 30, 2020)

    In furtherance of the Board’s objective to promote timely degree completion, Baccalaureate Degree programs will require 120 credit hours. Programs which exceed 120 credit hours must obtain a waiver from this requirement, granted upon approval by the NMSU provost and chief academic officer, and the Board of Regents. Waivers will be granted only upon documented justification (e.g. accreditation requirements).


ARP Chapter 6 | HR – Hiring, Work Rules and Assignments

Revision History:

01/28/2019 Amendment approved by Board of Regents, Effective June 30, 2020
Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 6.00
12/09/2016 Policy adopted by Board of Regents