18.00 Advancement

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: VP Advancement
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 06/27/2016

  1. Policy Statement

    To accomplish its mission, NMSU depends upon the support of alumni, donors, private foundations, business partners and other external constituencies. Through the efforts of its office of University Advancement, NMSU seeks to develop and sustain genuine long-term relationships with the supporters of the university. The responsibilities of the Office of University Advancement, subject to the approval and direction of the President, include:

    1. To maintain alumni and donor relations;
    2. To conduct fundraising activities on behalf of the institution;
    3. To establish the rules, procedures and conditions under which NMSU will recognize and support any affiliated organizations established to support NMSU;
    4. To serve as liaison between the university and the NMSU Foundation, Inc., and between the university and any other University-affiliated not for profit organization established to support the university;
    5. To provide coordination of fundraising activities for the various NMSU entities;
    6. To receive and receipt all gifts made to NMSU and the various NMSU entities;
    7. To develop rules, procedures and proposals for the naming of NMSU’s buildings, organizational units and programs, subject to the reservation of authority to the Regents set forth below;
    8. To develop rules and procedures for the nomination of honorary degree recipients; and
    9. To develop the rules and procedures for gift income spending to promote the good stewardship and proper accounting and use of all donations and earnings available to support NMSU’s mission
  2. Reservation of Authority

    The Regents are ultimately responsible for protecting the reputation of, relationships with and financial support for the University. Toward that end, each of the following actions or events require advance approval of the Regents:

    1. Award of Honorary Degrees;
    2. Naming the university’s major physical entities including buildings, structures, indoor and outdoor spaces;
    3. Naming of the academic and administrative organizational units at the college, school or department level or above;
    4. Acceptance of any non-monetary gift which contains restrictions as to its use or disposition;
    5. Acceptance of any gift which requires a matching fiscal obligation by the university or creates a substantial in kind or monetary future obligation;
    6. Acceptance of any gift which includes real property.
  3. Delegation of Authority

    The Board of Regents delegates its authority and responsibility to the Vice President of University Advancement, with approval from the President, for the naming opportunities not reserved above to the Board, including but not limited to endowments (professorships, chairs, and scholarships), collections, and similar gift supported activities and events.

  4. Rulemaking Authorization

    The Regents of New Mexico State University authorize the administration to formulate and amend the Administrative Rules and Procedures (Rules) addressing its activities in the area of advancement, including those areas of responsibility listed above. Such Rules shall be consistent with this policy and shall be adopted in accordance with RPM 1.10 and ARP 1.10.

  5. Repeal of Related Policies

    By previous action of the Board of Regents on October 21, 2015, the contents of the former NMSU Policy Manual were replicated in the Administrative Rules and Procedures of NMSU (the ARP) and remain in full force and effect. Upon adoption of this policy, RPM 2.50, RPM 2.75 and RPM 6.75 will be superseded by this policy, but will remain in effect in the ARP as ARP 18.10 – Namings and Other Honorific Recognition, ARP 18.20 – University Advancement – Gift Income, NMSU Endowments, NMSU Foundation, Inc., and ARP 18.05 – Honorary Degree Awards to the extent consistent with this policy, until amended or repealed.



ARP 18.05 - Honorary Degree Awards
ARP 18.10 - Namings and Other Honorific Recognition
ARP 18.20 - University Advancement – Gift Income, NMSU Endowments, NMSU Foundation, Inc.

Revision History:

Recompiled 2017
06/27/2016 Policy adopted by BoR, superseding Policy 2.75, University Advancement-Gift Income, NMSU Endowments, NMSU Foundation, Inc.