6.03 Succession Planning

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Board of Regents Staff
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 12/12/2013

The Regents of NMSU recognize that one of the university’s greatest assets is its employees. To enhance the strength and the continued growth of the institution, the Board of Regents seeks to continuously hire, develop, and retain highly talented individuals, as well as to provide mechanisms which will further enhance their talents, maximize their value to the institution, and maintain a culture of advancement, in alignment with the strategic goals of the institution. Whether selected and identified by management or by self-nomination, incumbent employees shall be provided the encouragement to aspire to advance into leadership positions in multiple roles in leading NMSU. By maintaining an environment of motivation and engaging service, NMSU will continue its extensive history of successes.



Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 1.14
12/13/2013 Policy adopted by Board of Regents