5.21 Student Complaints and Grievances

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Campus Presidents
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/08/2019

  1. Purpose

    To protect student rights and to ensure a fair and prompt resolution of disputes, complaints and grievances, including fact finding processes and procedures for review of university decisions and determinations (appeals).

  2. Authorization for Student Grievance and Dispute Resolution Procedures

    The administration is authorized to and responsible for maintaining and administering student grievance and the dispute resolution and appeal system(s) necessary to address the wide range of potential complaints and concerns of students.

    1. Student grievance and dispute resolution procedures will be set forth in the Administrative Rules and Procedures and will be adopted and revised in the same manner as other provisions of the ARP. The rules will provide notice to students about their rights, and the procedures to be followed to enforce those rights.
    2. Student grievance and dispute resolution system(s) will be referenced on such websites as may be appropriate to give students reasonable notice of the opportunity to obtain dispute resolution services and review of academic and administrative decisions, and may be printed or summarized in academic catalogs or student handbooks at the discretion of the administration.
    3. The administration will designate the NMSU department(s) or individuals who will administer student grievance and dispute resolution system(s).
  3. Grade Appeals

    The administration, in consultation with the faculty, will establish a process by which students may seek review of grade assignments in their academic courses.

  4. Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct

    The administration will maintain rules and procedures to address complaints by students involving allegations of discrimination or sexual misconduct as prohibited under RPM 3.25.

  5. Ownership of Intellectual Property

    The administration, in consultation with the faculty, will maintain rules and procedures to address complaints by students concerning ownership of their creations, as set forth in RPM 11.05- Intellectual Property Management.