5.20 Student Conduct

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Dean of Students
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/08/2019

  1. Purpose

    To assist students in becoming responsible members of the community, through notice of their rights and responsibilities, including the university’s expectations for student conduct, and provision of fair investigative, hearing and appeal processes by which students will be held accountable for their actions

  2. Authorization for Conduct Rules

    The administration is authorized to, and responsible for, maintaining and administering student conduct rules and the disciplinary system(s) necessary to address student misconduct occurring at NMSU or otherwise disrupting, impairing or interfering with authorized activities, procedures or functions of NMSU.

    1. Student conduct rules will be set forth in the Administrative Rules and Procedures and will be adopted and revised in the same manner as other provisions of the ARP. The rules will provide notice to students about their rights and responsibilities, including the expectations for student conduct, and potential consequences for violations.
    2. Student conduct rules will be referenced on such websites as may be appropriate to give students reasonable notice of the code(s) and may be printed or summarized in academic catalogs or student handbooks at the discretion of the administration.
    3. The student disciplinary systems will include procedures for enforcement, including a process for imposition of sanctions which affords students due process in accordance with law.
    4. The administration will designate the NMSU department(s) or individuals who administer student disciplinary system(s).
  3. Student Social Code of Conduct

    1. The Student Social Code of Conduct (SSCC), as it currently exists, will be made part of the Administrative Rules and Procedures upon approval of this policy. The SSCC may be revised in the same manner as other provisions of the ARP.
    2. The Student Social Code of Conduct may address topics including, but not limited to: the administration of student discipline, students’ rights and responsibilities, standards of conduct, possible sanctions, victim rights, fact finding hearing procedures, and appeal hearing procedures.
  4. Student Academic Code of Conduct

    1. The faculty and administration, collaborating together, will maintain a Student Academic Code of Conduct (SACC). (See ARP 5.10 and ARP 5.11).
    2. The Student Academic Code of Conduct may address topics including, but not limited to: academic integrity, cheating, plagiarism, classroom behavior, students’ rights and responsibilities as it relates to academic performance, standards of conduct, possible sanctions, fact finding hearing procedures, and appeal hearing procedures.



ARP 5.10 – Student Academic Code of Conduct – Academic Integrity
ARP 5.11 – Student Academic Code of Conduct – Procedures to Respond to Allegations of Student Academic Misconduct

Revision History:

03/08/2019 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 3.101
07/21/2015 Policy adopted by Board of Regents, with 08/15/2015 effective date