3.00 Conflict of Interest-Ethical Conduct

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: Not Available

  1. General Statement

    Inherent within the responsibility for educating the future leaders of our society is the obligation to adhere to the highest ethical standards and principles. New Mexico State University is committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all of its academic and administrative operations, by promoting such standards among its regents, administrators, faculty, staff, students and others acting on behalf of the university (including those acting on behalf of university controlled entities) and by striving to ensure a level of accountability appropriate for a public institution.

  2. Principles of Ethical Conduct

    1. Members of the university community are expected to exercise and demonstrate personal and professional honesty and to respect the rights, values and contributions of others.
    2. Members of the university community are expected to be aware of and comply with relevant laws, regulations, contract requirements and university policies and procedures. An unethical practice should never be condoned on the grounds that it is “customary” or that it serves a worthy goal.
    3. Individuals with access to confidential, proprietary or private information must never use or disclose such information except where authorized or legally obligated to do so.
    4. All members of the university community are responsible for avoiding, where possible, real or potential conflicts of interest and commitment between personal and professional responsibilities, including relationships that have the appearance of a conflict.
    5. The university’s interests should be foremost in all official decision making and employees and others acting on behalf of the university shall remove themselves from decision-making roles that involve them in any personal capacity or which involve their friends or family members.
    6. All individuals acting on behalf of the university have a responsibility to ensure that funds and other assets received are used in an ethical manner. Assets of the university (including personnel), whether tangible or intangible, may not be used for illegal purposes or personal gain.
    7. Members of the university community shall strive to present all information, including financial information and research data and results, completely and accurately.
  3. Addressing Concerns relating to Ethical Conduct

    Individuals who have concerns about the propriety of a situation or about the conduct of a university employee or someone acting on behalf of the university, are expected to consult with appropriate university officials (that is, the person to whom the individual whose conduct is in question directly reports or, in the case of someone acting on behalf of the university, the chair of the Committee on Conflicts of Interest in Sponsored Activities, or when a regent is involved, the University General Counsel will utilize the services of an external party). Confidentiality about individuals reporting violations of these standards will be maintained whenever possible and employees shall be free from retaliation for voicing concerns.



ARP 3.00 – 3.14
ARP 6.90 – 6.93

Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policies 3.19.10, 3.19.20, and 3.19.30