2.41 Academic Deans Council

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: Not Available

  1. Recognition and Purpose

    The functions of the Academic Deans Council are as follows:

    1. Provide an administrative vehicle for the dissemination of information, provide ready pooling of ideas, and provide a testing ground for the matters of concern to the administration of the university.
    2. Make recommendations and discuss with the President problems relating to improvement in the administration of the institution.
    3. Act as a sounding board and evaluation body for new ideas emanating from the staff or administration.
    4. Consider ways and means of improving the academic quality and other aspects of the institution, including proposals dealing with academic policies and programs.
    5. Coordinate efforts of the various deans and provide for desirable uniformity in carrying out institutional policy.
    6. Provide administration-level coordination between the various agencies, colleges, and schools of the university.
    7. Stimulate other official groups in the full development of action within respective areas.
    8. Establish, from time to time, special committees and groups to render specialized service in developing recommendations in given areas.
    9. Consider recommendations emanating from the NMSU Employee Council when appropriate.
  2. Membership

    The Academic Deans Council is composed of the President, the provost and chief academic officer, the vice president for research, the academic deans, the dean of the university Library, the community colleges campus executive officers, and the chair of the Faculty Senate.



Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 1.05.60