2.40 University Administrative Council

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: President
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 01/31/2011

  1. Recognition of Council and Purpose

    The Board of Regents recognizes the University Administrative Council as an advisory body, to be utilized at the President’s discretion, for discussion and/or recommendations on matters of university business.

  2. Membership of Council

    At the discretion of the President, the membership includes the provost and chief academic officer, senior vice presidents, chancellor – NMSU system community college, vice presidents, associate vice presidents, athletics director, deans, faculty senate chair, ASNMSU president, graduate student council president, chair of the Employee Council, university general counsel, chief audit executive (ex officio) and others as may be invited by the President.

  3. Conduct of Meetings

    The President chairs the University Administrative Council. In the President’s absence, the provost and senior vice president for academic affairs acts in this capacity. Minutes of each meeting will be distributed to the council members prior to the next meeting, or as soon as practicable.



Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 1.05.50
01/31/2011 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
09/08/2006 Amendment approved by Board of Regents