2.30 University Boards

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: President Chief of Staff
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 01/31/2011

Much of the work of the university is accomplished through committees or other bodies consisting of the diverse and dedicated members from the university and local community. This policy provides guidance relating to the creation, “lifespan”, and cessation of these bodies that serve NMSU in advisory, investigatory, adjudicatory or other capacities. For purposes of this policy, the term “board” refers to any official body established to serve a university business purpose, whether it is referred to as a board, commission, committee, council, panel, task force, or other title. Because these boards are typically informal, advisory in nature, made up of volunteers or employees taking on duties in addition to their regular job duties, and not incorporated, they are not separate legal entities from the university.

  1. Types of NMSU Boards

    Due to the great number of boards utilized for a variety of functions, they will be distinguished by whether or not they serve the entire university community or a part thereof.

    1. University Board: A university board is a body formally established by university policy or by directive from the Board of Regents, President, or provost and chief academic officer.
    2. College and Departmental Boards: A college, departmental or administrative unit board is a body appointed by the Chancellor – NMSU System Community College, dean, vice president, associate dean, division or department head or other executive or academic administrator, whose work furthers the interest of the college, department or administrative unit by providing collective work product, advice, and/or recommendations.
  2. Role in Policy Development

    Any policy recommendations made by NMSU boards will be subject to the policy adoption protocol outlined in Title 1 of the Regents Policy Manual and in the Administrative Rules and Procedures of NMSU.

  3. Formal Creation of Board

    At the time any university board is created, the following shall be indicated:

    1. The name of the board, and the authorizing body or official;
    2. The type of board and scope of work (i.e. whether standing or ad hoc, and whether the scope of the board’s work will impact the NMSU System or only a particular campus);
    3. The purpose and authority of the board;
    4. The membership, including whether the members are appointed by position or by individual, any special selection procedures (i.e. election by another university constituency or selection by that constituency’s chair), the term of each member’s appointment, whether terms are staggered, whether there are any ex-officio (non-voting) or other continuous members, and whether the appointed member may utilize a designee who will vote on the member’s behalf;
    5. How the board’s chair is to be selected;
    6. Whether or not a particular office will provide administrative support to the board;
    7. Guidance relating to meetings, if appropriate.
    8. The date at which the board creation is effective

    For university boards, this creation document shall be distributed to all members of the University Administrative Council.

  4. Upkeep

    1. All university boards, which include neither those sub-committees of the Faculty Senate, Employee Council or other university boards, nor those corporate entities which may be affiliated with NMSU, shall be listed in the NMSU Official List of University Boards, maintained by the President’s chief of staff. The President’s chief of staff is responsible for ensuring processes are in place to update the listings to keep them current as of 30 September each year. See Official List of University Boards.
    2. All ad hoc university boards shall have a term of no longer than one year, and within that year shall be reviewed by the official(s) who established it, to determine whether or not the board’s term should be extended. When it has been determined that the task for which the board was created has been completed or otherwise discontinued, the authorizing body or official shall direct the cessation of the board in writing to members of the University Administrative Council and reference to the board will be removed from the Official List of University Boards.
    3. If there is any doubt regarding the status of any university board, and after consultation with the chair of the Board of Regents or key personnel (as appropriate), the President or the provost and chief academic officer (as appropriate) will provide direction to the President’s chief of staff.
    4. All standing university boards shall provide an annual report to the authorizing board or official no later than June 30 of each year, including the most current list of members.
    5. All college, departmental and other administrative unit boards shall be maintained by the office of their respective appointing officials. The college, departmental and other administrative unit boards shall not be listed in the Official List of University Boards.
    6. The chair of each university board is required to ensure that all positions are properly filled in accordance with the guidance provided at the time of board creation. Chairs are to notify the President’s chief of staff immediately upon a position vacancy and assist in nominating names of appropriate individuals for consideration to the authorizing body or official.
    7. The authorizing body or official is free to alter or change the nature, membership, role or responsibility of any university board at any time by notifying the University Administrative Council and current board members in writing.



NMSU Boards and Committees

Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 1.05.90
01/31/2011 Policy adopted by Board of Regents