2.20 NMSU Community Colleges

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: President
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/06/2017

  1. Land Grant Mission

    The special mission of the university as a land-grant institution established under the provisions of the Morrill Act is to provide a liberal and practical education for students and to sustain programs of research, extension education and public service. The provisions of the Branch Community College Act of the State of New Mexico (NMSA 1978 Sec. 21-14-1 et seq) enable institutions of higher education to establish branch community colleges at the request of communities to meet their educational needs. The university has a long history of success in serving the citizens of New Mexico through its community colleges. The benefits to students for access to quality education through the NMSU community colleges have been documented and recognized. The Board of Regents supports, endorses, and recognizes the reciprocal benefits of its relationship to its community colleges and recommends the continuity of this partnership as one which contributes significantly to the educational and economic development of the state of New Mexico.

  2. Policy Statement

    The NMSU Board of Regents pledges full cooperation in the further development of its community college programs to ensure that the higher educational needs of the several communities are fully met. Each of the community colleges will develop its own mission and purpose statement, which shall be brought forward periodically for review by the Board of Regents.

  3. Administration of Community Colleges

    Each community college is administered by the Chancellor – NMSU System Community College under the cognizance of the NMSU President. Community college academic issues are administered by their respective community college president, with oversight by the provost and chief academic officer. (See ARP 9.60 – Administrative Reviews).

    1. Responsibilities of Community College Presidents: The community college campus presidents are responsible for providing leadership for their campuses in the following areas:
      1. Educational Programs
      2. Faculty and Staff Appointments
      3. Student Services
      4. Community Relations
      5. Maintenance and Care of Physical Plant
      6. Facility Planning (See ARP 12.70 – Use of NMSU Facilities and ARP 12.75 – Facility Space Use Management and Procedures)
      7. Assessment/Accreditation
      8. Campus Budgeting (a shared responsibility with the main campus Office of Administration and Finance)
    2. Course Approvals: All new and revised community college courses are submitted for approval to the provost and chief academic officer, who circulates the proposed changes to the appropriate Las Cruces campus colleges and committees.
    3. Program Approvals: New designated associate degree programs proposed by the university’s community colleges are submitted for approval to the provost and chief academic officer, who prepares the proposal for review and approval by the appropriate Las Cruces campus college, the Associate Deans Academic Council, the Academic Deans Council, the Faculty Senate, and the Board of Regents.
    4. Semester End Dates: Whenever possible, the end of semester in the community colleges shall be coordinated with the end of the semester on the Las Cruces campus so that it is possible to report grades of students simultaneously.
    5. Faculty Credentials: (See ARP 6.50 – Faculty Credentials Required of NMSU Instructors of Record)
    6. Transfer of Students to NMSU Las Cruces Campus: Community college students who meet the admission requirements may transfer to the Las Cruces campus at any point or at the completion of the freshman and sophomore years.
    7. Use of Community College Facilities: See ARP 12.70 – Use of NMSU Facilities and ARP 12.75 – Facility Space Use Management and Procedures.



ARP 6.50 - Faculty Credentials Required of NMSU Instructors of Record
ARP 9.60 - Administrative Reviews
ARP 12.70 - Use of NMSU Facilities
ARP 12.75 - Facility Space Use Management and Procedures

Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 1.05.95
03/06/2017 Amendment approved by Board of Regents (former Section D, “Regents Award for Outstanding Service to Community Colleges”, relocated to Policy 1.04
07/20/2010 Policy adopted by Board of Regents