2.10 Non-Academic Units – Creating, Reorganizing, Relocating, Eliminating

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: Provost and Chief Academic Officer
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 11/11/2017

For the purpose of this policy, a non-academic unit is defined as a unit that is not within a college, an undergraduate major, a graduate degree program or the library, whether these units are located on any NMSU campus. Any proposal to create, reorganize, relocate and/or eliminate a non-academic unit must be submitted for review and approval through the appropriate vice president, vice provost or dean and the provost and chief academic officer. (See Appendix - RPM 2.10-A - Flow Chart - Nonacademic Program/Unit Changes.)

If a change results in a structural change to the organizational hierarchy, the change will be effective January 1 or July 1 following the approval. Structural changes are defined as changes that affect the hierarchical organizational and reporting structure. Changes to organizational attributes may be processed at any time throughout the year. These changes are defined as: department long title, acronym, mail stop code, PO Box number, street address, city, state, zip code, building name (See ARP 18.10 – Namings), room number, telephone number, fax number and departmental e-mail address.

Procedure: After the appropriate administrative approvals are obtained, the requesting department head/director must submit an Organization Request Form to the Office of Human Resource Services for processing. The form must be submitted with all relevant documentation attached no later than November 30 (for January 1 effective date) and May 31 (for July 1 effective date).



ARP 2.15 - Modifying Academic Units

Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 1.15 and RPM Appendix 1-H
Former RPM Appendix 5-B re-numbered to [former] 1-H.