2.00 Organizational Charts and Reporting Relationships

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: AVP Human Resource Services
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/06/2017

The hierarchical organizational structure of NMSU and NMDA and their components shall be set forth in one or more organizational charts which shall be available via the institution’s website. The organizational charts shall indicate reporting relationships. A solid line connecting a specific position or unit to another higher level position or unit typically indicates both administrative and functional reporting to the same higher level individual or position. Where a unit or position also has a dotted line connecting it to a different higher level position or unit, the dotted line shall indicate the functional reporting relationship, while the solid line indicates the administrative reporting relationship.

The administrative reporting relationship establishes a clear line of authority between positions or units in the organizational hierarchy. The actions of the subordinate are subject to the direction and/or approval of the next higher level of management, irrespective of the autonomy the latter may choose to grant to, or withhold from, subordinate levels. Subordinate positions never report administratively to more than one higher level supervisor.

The functional reporting relationship establishes a connection between positions or organizational units at different management levels based on the specialized nature of the function for which a mutual responsibility is shared. In this type of situation, often referred to as an indirect reporting relationship, the higher level position or unit provides functional guidance and support to positions or units lower in the organizational structure.



Revision History:

Recompiled 2017
03/06/2017 Policy adopted by Board of Regents, superseding former 1.05.40, Organizational Chart
(Note: Former Policy 2.00, Risk Management, Safety and Security, renumbered as 16.00)