16.67 Firearms on University Premises

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: NMSU Police Chief
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 07/21/2015

  1. Purpose

    To clarify New Mexico state law requirements relating to the carrying of firearms on university premises, and to authorize supplemental university policy requirements, for the protection of the public’s health, safety and welfare.

  2. Definitions

    The following definitions will apply for purposes of application and enforcement of this policy:

    1. Peace Officer”: A peace officer means any public official or public officer vested by law with a duty to maintain public order or to make arrests for crime, whether that duty extends to all crimes or is limited to specific crimes;
    2. University Premises”: University premises includes both:
      1. The buildings and grounds of the university, including playing fields and parking areas of a university, in or on which university or university-related activities are conducted; and
      2. Other public buildings or grounds, including playing fields and parking areas that are not university property, in or on which university-related and sanctioned activities are performed.
    3. Firearm”: A weapon, or component thereof, defined under state or federal law as a firearm. This includes complete firearms, as well as components considered to be firearms, such as receivers, sound suppressors, and destructive devices.
  3. Policy Statement(s)

    1. No person of any age shall carry a firearm on university premises or in a university vehicle, unless they qualify under one or more of the following exceptions, and meet any additional requirements of the University Police Department:
      1. A peace officer;
      2. A security personnel authorized by the University Police Chief or designee;
      3. A student, instructor or other university-authorized personnel who are engaged in army, navy, marine corps or air force reserve officer training corps programs or a state-authorized hunter safety training program;
      4. A person conducting or participating in a university-approved program, class or other activity involving the carrying of a firearm; or
      5. A person older than nineteen years of age on university premises in a private automobile or other private means of conveyance, for lawful protection of the person’s or another’s person or property.
    2. To enhance public safety on NMSU campuses, the Board of Regents authorizes the University Chief of Police to promulgate reasonable standards or other requirements for the individuals permitted by one of the exceptions above to carry a firearm on university premises or in university vehicles, including but not limited to background checks, training, and safety measures. Such standards and other requirements shall be posted conspicuously on the website of the University Police Department.
  4. Cross References and Procedural Guidelines

    To facilitate the administration and enforcement of this policy, and in addition to any reasonable standards and requirements which may apply to those entering university premises with a firearm, the policy administrator may develop and issue supplemental Procedural Guidelines (includes protocols, forms, permits, etc.), consistent with the policy. All procedures, forms, permits etc. utilized in the application or enforcement of this policy shall be posted on the University Police Department’s website, and shall be linked from this section. Other related reference material relating to firearms on public property may also be linked from this Section with the approval of the policy administrator.



Revision History:

Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 3.50
07/21/2015 Amendment approved by Board of Regents