16.60 Responsible Alcohol Use

Policy Details

Responsible Administrator: President
Scope: NMSU System
Last Updated: 03/06/2018

  1. Policy

    The Board of Regents of New Mexico State University recognizes that diversity of opinion and freedom of choice are concepts upon which higher education has been established. Inherent within these two basic concepts are the exercise of individual responsibility and making informed decisions on matters related to personal behavior.

    Within the university setting, faculty, staff and students must demonstrate a mutual respect and commitment to the institution’s educational mission, while at the same time fostering diversity of opinion, freedom of choice, and responsibility. In this regard, the university respects the choice of those of legal age to consume alcohol, providing they do so in accordance with NMSU policy, rules and procedures, and all applicable laws.

  2. Authorization of Rules Pertaining to Responsible Use of Alcohol

    The Board of Regents authorizes the NMSU administration to adopt and enforce rules and procedures to regulate the use of alcohol at any function or event held on the property owned by the university, as well as at off-property functions and events sponsored by NMSU units and NMSU chartered organizations.

  3. Disclaimer of Liability

    NMSU recognizes it cannot protect its employees, and students from making decisions that could potentially cause harm to themselves or others. NMSU disclaims any intention to assume duties to protect its employees and students from their own abuse of drugs or alcohol or to protect third party persons from conduct of university employees or students.



ARP 16.60 – Permitted Alcohol on NMSU Premises
ARP 18.81 - Tailgating Activities
Tailgating Regulations

Revision History:

03/06/2018 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
Recompiled 2017, formerly Policy 3.05 Sections A. - G.
01/30/2012 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
07/20/2010 Amendment approved by Board of Regents
09/08/2006 Amendment ratified by Board of Regents
10/11/2005 Amendment approved by Administrative Council
Recompiled, formerly AP&P 242, reference BR 91