Rule Administrator: Senior VP Administration and Finance

13.10 Investment of University Funds

A. Policy Statement NMSU seeks to manage and prudently invest cash balances, and to maximize the efficiency of the university’s cash management system. The goal of this policy is to ensure investment of funds in a manner which provides for the safety of principal and adequate liquidity, while maximizing investment income. This policy will apply…
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13.15 Reserves

Reasonable budget balances shall be maintained for the efficient operation of the university.

13.30 Bonds – Post-Issuance Tax Compliance

A. Purpose and Authority The Regents of New Mexico State University (the “Issuer” or “Board of Regents”) hereby authorize and direct the adoption of Post-Issuance Tax Compliance Procedures (the “Procedures”) as part of the university’s Administrative Rules and Procedures, for the purpose of: (1) maximizing the university’s compliance with the federal tax law requirements applicable…
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13.33 Bonds – Post Issuance Continuing Disclosures

A. Purpose The Regents of New Mexico State University (the “Issuer” or “Board of Regents”) incurs debt in the form of bonds and loans from time to time for the purpose of financing public projects and to refinance debt previously issued by the Board of Regents.  To ensure compliance with the requirements of federal securities…
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16.45 Auditors, External

The university external auditors shall be selected and retained according to the guidelines provided in the state auditor’s rules currently in force. The Board of Regents reserves the right to apply stricter guidelines in selecting and retaining external auditors than those required by the state auditor’s rules.